Chapter Index

Judgement of nutritional state in Loris

Judgement of the nutritional state and signs of dehydation in Nycticebus pygmaeus

Some measured body weights in N. pygmaeus:

Head-body-length Weight data from literature (no information about time of the year) Normal winter weight Normal summer weight
18.0-21.0 cm 88
21.0-29.0 cm 89
230-287 g (n=7) 86; 300-450 g 87; fully grown more than 500 g38. Female: 372 g; male: 462 g 89 Up to 590, 600 g, in one case 630 g 85(measured at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, Vietnam)
In summer more slender 85.
(Exact weight?)

Judgement of the nutritional state in Loris


a-c: normal. d-f: Location and visibility of fat deposits in adipose animals. d: Young male in sleeping posture, with fat deposits visible on the upper thighs and hind parts of the trunk. e: In females, fat deposits are best visible on the ventral side, on either side of the clitoris. In breeding females, some fat deposits may be advantageous; during lactation, in spite of abundant feeding a considerable loss of weight was observed (Meier, unpublished). g-i: signs of emaciation (old animal suffering from kidney disease and diabetes).

Some body weight data for L. t. nordicus (data by Meier & Schulze, published in Schulze 1998):

Sitting height / head-body-
Average weight in 1980, freshly caught
Average weight in captivity, 1980-1982
Normal size
22 cm / 
24.5 - 25 cm
Males 252.3 g 
(n = 4), females 269.7 g 
(n = 5)
Males 277.2 g 
(n = 4),
females 322.5 g
(n = 5)
Males: up to 350 g, females up to 365 g
200 g, 
226 g
Unusually large 
24.5 cm / 
  26 cm
  -  430 - 440 g  Up to 
   482 g, 
   490 g
  265 g


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Last amendment: 4 February 2001

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