
Field methods for loris and potto conservation and research

Table of contents
 1) Field, survey methods
Survey methods. Detection in the wild, equipment, recognition marking methods, other
References (field and survey methods)
 2) Information from carcasses and samples found in the wild
Necropsy methods for carcasses of wild lorises or pottos (in preparation)
       for detection of diseases and preservation of taxonomic samples

The form of necropsy reports and their possible role as an official document, for instance in law suits
       based on a lecture manuscript by Professor Schoon, Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Leipzig University

Review: examination of the different organ systems (in preparation)
Review: sample collection (in preparation)
       Tissue samples          Blood and other liquids            Faeces, stomach content, other samples
Preservation of samples (in preparation)
Chemicals for preservation and storage of samples or specimens
Collection and preservation of specimens for reference collections (still incomplete)
       Hair samples
Records, labelling of collected specimens, collection catalogues (still incomplete)
References (necropsy and sample collection methods)

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In: Loris and potto conservation database: field methods
Last amendment: 7 November 2002
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