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Literature: loris and potto behaviour
(See also publication lists of coauthors)
General review of prosimian behaviour:
Doyle, G.
A., 1974: Behavior of prosimians. Pp. 155-353 in:
Behavior of nonhuman primates: modern research trends, Vol. 5,
A. M. Schrier; F. Stollnitz (eds.), Academic Press, New York.
literature about loris and potto behaviour
and comparable behaviour in
other prosimians
Achariyo, L. N.; Misra, R., 1973: Notes on the birth and growth of a slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) in captivity. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 70 (1): 193-195.
Andrew, R. J.; Klopman, R. B., 1976: Urine-washing: comparative notes. Pp. 303-312 in: "Prosimian Behavior", R. D.Martin, G. A. Doyle, and A. C. Walker, (eds.), Duckworth, London.
Barrett, E., 1984: The ecology of some nocturnal, arboreal mammals in the rainforests of peninsular Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis, Cambridge University
Bearder, S. K.; Nekaris, K. A. I.; Buzzell, C. A., 2001: Dangers in the night: are some nocturnal primates afraid of the dark? Abstract. XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society: Primates in the new millennium. 7 - 12 January 2001, Adelaide, Australia.
Bearder, S. K.; Nekaris, K. A. I.; Buzzell, C. A., in press (March 2001): Dangers in the night: are some nocturnal primates afraid of the dark? In: Lynne Miller (ed.): Eat or Be Eaten: Predator Sensitive Foraging.
Butterfield, R. S., 1954: The slow loris as a pet. Malayan Nature Journal 9: 43-49.
Buzzell, Courtney A., 1999: Field observations of antipredator behavior in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus). Thesis, Washington University, Department of Anthropology.
Charles-Dominique, P., 1966: Birth and development of Arctocebus calabarensis in captivity - naissance et croissance d'Arctocebus calabarensis en captivité. Biologica gabonica 2: 331-345
Charles-Dominique, P., 1977: Ecology and Behavior of Nocturnal Primates. Prosimians of Equatorial West Africa, Duckworth, London.
Conway, K. M.; Shaw, L. J.; Micklesen, S.; Crouse, D. W., 1978: Activity rhythms of ten species of nocturnal animals as a function of light intensity. Pp 101-140 in: Crockett, C.; Hutchins, M. (eds.): Applied behavioral research at the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens, Seattle, Washington 1977. Pika Press, Seattle.
Cooper, H. M., 1976: Ecological correlates of visual learning in nocturnal prosimians. Pp. 191-203 in: Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.): Prosimian Behaviour. Duckworth, London.
Cowgill, U. M., 1976: Co-operative behaviour in Perodicticus. Pp. 261-272 in: Prosimian Behaviour, Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.),. Duckworth, London
Cowgill, U. M., 1968: An apparent example of displacement behavior in the prosimian Perodicticus potto. Folia primatol. 8: 148-149.
Cowgill, U. M, 1969: Some observations on the prosimian Perodicticus potto. Folia Primatol. 11: 144-150.
Daschbach, N. J.; Schein, M. W.; Haines, D. E., 1981: Vocalizations of the slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Primates, Lorisidae). International Journal of Primatology 2: 71-80.
Daschbach, N. J.; Schein, M. W.; Haines, D. E., 1983: Cage-size effects on locomotor, grooming and agonistic behaviours of the slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Primates, Lorisidae). Applied Animal Ethology 9: 317-330.
Dixson, A. F.., 1995: Sexual selection and the evolution of copulatory behavior in nocturnal prosimians. Pp. 93-118 in: Creatures of the Dark: the nocturnal prosimians, Alterman, L.; Doyle, G. A.; Izard, M. K. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York.
Doyle, G. A., 1975: Some aspects of urine-washing in four species of prosimian primate under semi-natural laboratory conditions. Pp. 232-237 in: "Contemporary Primatology", 5th Int. Congr. Primat., Nagoya 1974, S. Kondo, H. Kawai and A. Ehara (eds.), Karger, Basel.
Ehrlich, A., 1968: Food-motivated behavior in prosimians. Folia primatol. 8: 66-71.
Ehrlich, A., 1968: Activity levels in prosimians. Folia Primat. 8: 72-76.
Ehrlich, A., 1969: Behavioral characteristics of the slow loris, galago and rhesus monkey. Pp. 119-127 in: Proc. 2nd int. Congr. Primatol., Atlanta, GA1968, Vol. 1. Karger, Basel.
Ehrlich, A., 1974: Infant development in two prosimian species: greater galago and slow loris. Developmental Psychobiology 7 (5): 439-454.
Ehrlich, A.; Macbride, L., 1989: Mother-infant interactions in captive slow lorises (Nycticebus coucang). Am. J. Primatol. 19 : 217-228.
Ehrlich, A.; Musicant, A., 1976: Visual discrimination learning and memory in nocturnal prosimians. Animal learning and behavior 4 (4): 431-435.
Ehrlich, A.; Musicant, A., 1977: Social and individual behaviors in captive slow lorises. Behaviour 60: 195-220.
Feng, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, C., 1992: Mother-infant interaction in captive middle slow loris slow loris (Nycticebus intermedius) in captivity. Acta Theriologica Sinica 12 (3): 167-174. (Chinese; English abstract)
Feng, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, C., 1993: Reproduction of slow loris (Nycticebus intermedius) in captivity. Zoological Research 14 (1): 21-26. ISSN: 0254-5853. (Chinese; English abstract)
Fisher, H. S.; Swaisgood, R. R.; Fitch-Snyder, H., 2003: Odor familiarity and female preferences for males in a threatened primate, the pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus): applications for genetic management of small populations. Naturwissenschaften 90: 509-512.
Fisher, H. S.; Swaisgood, R. R.; Fitch-Snyder, H., 2003: Countermarking by male pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus): do females use odor cues to select mates with high competitive abilities?. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 53: 123-130.
Feng, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, C., 1994: Progress of studies on intermediate slow loris in captivity. Zhongguo Lingzhanglei Yanjiu Tongxun / Chinese Primate Research and Conservation News 3 (1): 11-12 (Chinese; English abstract)
Fisher, H. S.; Swaisgood, R. R.; Fitch-Snyder, H., 2003: Odor familiarity and female preferences for males in a threatened primate, the pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus): applications for genetic management of small populations. Naturwissenschaften 90: 509-512.
Fisher, H. S.; Swaisgood, R. R.; Fitch-Snyder, H., 2003: Countermarking by male pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus): do females use odor cues to select mates with high competitive abilities?. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 53: 123-130.
Fitch-Snyder, H., 2000: Reproductive patterns in a breeding colony of pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus) measured by behavioral and physiological correlates of gonadal activities. Thesis, San Diego State University.
Fitch-Snyder, H.; Ehrlich, A., 2003: Mother-infant interactions in slow lorises (Nycticebus bengalensis) and pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus). Folia Primatol. 74: 259-271.
Fitch-Snyder, H.; Jurke, M., 1998: Reproductive patterns in pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus): behavioral and physiological correlates of gonadal activities. Zoo Biology 22: 15-32.
Glassman, D. M.; Wells, J. P., 1984: Positional and activity behavior in a captive slow loris: a quantitative assessment. Am. J. Primatology 7: 121-132.
Goonan, P. M., 1993: Behaviour and reproduction of the slender loris (Loris tardigradus) in captivity. Folia Primatol. 60: 146-157.
Gorter, F. J., 1937: Experiments on the learning and problem solving of Nycticebus tardigradus L.. Arch. Neerl. Zool. 2: 95 - 111.
Gursky, S.; Nekaris, K. A. I. (eds:), 2003: Mating, Birthing and Rearing Systems of Nocturnal Prosimians. Folia Primatologica Supp. 74. Karger, Basel. ISBN 3-8055-7677-3
Gursky, S. G.; Nekaris, K. A. I., 2003: Patterns of mating, birthing and rearing in nocturnal prosimians: an historical perspective. Pp. 241-245 in: Mating, Birthing and Rearing Systems of Nocturnal Prosimians. Folia Primatologica Supp. 74 (S. Gursky and K. A. I. Nekaris, eds.),: Karger, Basel. ISBN 3-8055-7677-3
Jaenicke, C.; Ehrlich, A., 1972: Effects of animate vs. inanimate stimuli on curiosity behavior in greater galago and slow loris. Primates 23 (1): 95-104.
Jingxia, C.; Yufen, T.; Yuanye, M., 1990: A comparative study on cognitive function of the brain in the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) and rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Abstract, Primate Report 26: Primatology in China. March 1990.
Jolly, A., 1964 a: Prosimians´ manipulation of simple object problems. Animal behaviour 12: 560-570.
Jolly, A., 1964 b: Choice of cue in prosimian learning. Animal behaviour 12: 571-577.
Johnson, J. M., 1984: Diurnal activities of the slender loris, Loris tardigradus, in the Mundanthurai Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu (India). Pp. 389-395 in: Current primate researches, M. L. Roonwal; S. M. Mohnot; N. S. Rathore (eds.), Jodhpur
Kar Gupta, K., 1995: Slender loris, Loris tardigradus, distribution and habitat use in Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, India. Folia Primatologica 69 (suppl.): 401-402.
Kar Gupta, K.; Nash, L. T., 2001: Large testes and pair bonds: how does slender loris mate? Abstract. P. 156 in: Abstracts and programme, XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society: "Primates in the new Millennium", 7-12 January 2001, Adelaide, South Australia. By International Primatological Society, Australasian Primatological Society, Adelaide Zoo and EventsOz Conference organisers.
Kar Gupta, K., 2004: Conservation, disturbance and social structure in a nocturnal prosimian primate, slender loris (Loris tardigradus). Abstract. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, July 30th to August 2nd, 2004 - New York, New York, USA. http://eiwall.ei.columbia.edu/cerc/contributed.php?grouptag=CO54#CO54-A4. Seen 30 August 2004.
Kar Gupta K, 2001 / in preparation: Slender Loris. A book chapter in: Mammals of South Asia, A. J. T. Johnsingh; R. Sukumar (eds.).
Kavanau, J. L.; Peters, C. R., 1979: Illuminance preferences in nocturnal primates. Primates 20 (2): 245-282.
Manley, G. H., 1976: Functions of the external genital glands of Perodicticus and Arctocebus. Pp. 313-329 in: Prosimian Behaviour, Martin, R.D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.), Duckworth, London
Meier, B.; Preuschoft, H., 1985: Mutter-Kind-Verhalten und Verhaltensontogenese bei Loris tardigradus nordicus HILL, Prosimiae (Behavioral ontogeny and maternal care in Slender loris). Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 78: 341. (German)
Meshik, V.
A.; Gruzinskaya, B., 1993: Behavioral adaptation during
pair formation in two species of prosimians. Primate report 37:
Keyworsd: Nycticebus
pygmaeus, pair-formation
Müller, E. F., 1979: Energy metabolism, thermoregulation and water budget in the slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Boddaert 1785). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 64 A: 109- 119.
Narayan Rao, C. R., 1932: Observations on the habits of the slow loris, Loris lydekkerianus. J. Bombay Natural History Soc. 32: 206-208.
K. A. I., 1999. Abstract. The diet of the slender loris
( Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus) in Dindigul, South
India. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Suppl. 28:
Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical
Nekaris, K. A. I., 2000. The socioecology of the Mysore slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus) in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, South India. Dissertation, Washington University, Department of Anthropology.
K. A. I., 2000: The spacing system of the slender loris
( Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus) and its implications
for slender loris social organization. Abstract. American
Journal of Primatology Suppl. 51: 77.
Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists.
K. A. I., 2000: The activity budget of the slender loris
( Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus) in Dindigul, South
India. Abstract. American Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Suppl. 30: 235-236.
Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical
Nekaris, K. A. I., 2001: How lazy is a loris? BBC Wildlife.
Nekaris, K. A. I., in review (March 2001): Spacing system of the Mysore slender loris: implications for slender loris social organization. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Nekaris, K. A. I., 2001: Activity budget and positional behaviour of the Mysore slender loris: implications for slow climbing locomotion. Folia Primatologica 72: 228-241.
Nekaris, K. A. I., 2003. Observations on mating, birthing and parental care in three taxa of slender loris in India and Sri Lanka (Loris tardigradus and Loris lydekkerianus). Folia Primatologica Supp. 74 (S. Gursky and K. A. I. Nekaris, eds.): 312-336.
K. A. I.; Buzzell, C. A., 2000: How cryptic is the
slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus)?
Abstract. American journal of Primatology Suppl. 51:
Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists.
K. A. I.; Rasmussen, D. T., 2001: The bug-eyed slender
loris: insect predation and its implications for primate
origins. Abstract. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Suppl. 32: 112.
Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical
Nekaris, K. A. I.; Rasmussen, D. T., 2003: Diet of the Slender Loris. International Journal of Primatology. International Journal of Primatology 24 (1): 33-46
Ohta, H., 1983: Learning set formation in slow lorises (Nycticebus coucang), Folia Primatol. 40: 256-267.
Ohta, H.; Ishida, H.; Matano, S., 1987: Learning set formation in thick-tailed bush babies (Galago crassicaudatus) and comparison of learning ability among four species. Folia Primatol. 48: 1-8.
Pariente, G., 1979: The role of vision in prosimian behaviour. Pp. 411-459 in: The study of prosimian behavior, Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A. (eds.), Academic Press, New York.
Petter, J.-J., Charles-Dominique, P.,1979: Vocal communication in prosimians. Pp. 247-306 in: The Study of Prosimian Behavior, Doyle, G. A.; Martin, R. D. (eds.), Academic Press, New York.
Radhakrishna, S., 2001: Reproductive and social behavior of slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus) in its natural habitat. PhD thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Mysore.
Radhakrishna, S., 2004: Sociality in a Solitary Primate: How Gregarious is the Slender Loris? Pp. 64-81 in. Resonance - journal of science education, online in the websites of the Indian academy of sciences. http://www.ias.ac.in/resonance/Jan2004/Jan2004NatureWatch.htm. Seen 26 July 2004
Radhakrishna, S., 2004: Reproductive biology of the Slender Loris. Folia Primatol. 75: 1-13.
Radhakrishna, S.; Singh, M., 2004: Infant development in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus). Current Science 86 (8): 1121-1127.
Rasmussen, D. T., 1986: Life history and behavior of slow lorises and slender lorises: implications for the lorisine-galagine divergence. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Duke University.
Roonwal, M. L.; Mohnot, S. M., 1977: Primates of South Asia: ecology, sociobiology and behavior. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
Rozman, J.; Pöppelmann, D. , 1990: Einfluß künstlicher Bates´scher Mimikry auf die Beutewahl bei Schlankloris (Loris tardigradus). (German, unpublished )
Seth, P.
K., 1963: Preliminary observations on slender lorises.
Anthropologist 7: 45-51. Delhi.
Loris ,
subspecies descriptions; social behaviour; aggressive
Seitz, E., 1967: Untersuchungen zur Aktivitätsrhythmik dunkelaktiver Halbaffen der Unterfamilie Lorisinae. [Study of the activity rhythms of nocturnal prosimians of the subfamily Lorisinae]. Pp. 322-326 in: Neue Ergebnisse der Primatologie / Progress in primatology, 1st Congress of the International Primatological Society. Starck, D.; Schneider, R.; Kuhn, H.-J. (eds.), Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. (German)
Seitz, E., 1968 (1969?): Die Bedeutung geruchlicher Orientierung beim Plumplori Nycticebus coucang Boddaert 1785 (Prosimii, Lorisidae). [The importance of olfactory orientation in the slow loris Nycticebus coucang]. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 26 (6): 73-103. (German)
Schulze, H.; Meier, B., 1995: Behavior of captive Loris tardigradus nordicus: a qualitative description, including some information about morphological bases of behavior. Pp. 221-249 in: Creatures of the Dark, Alterman, L.; Doyle, G.; Izard, M. K. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York.
Subramoniam, S., 1957: Some observations on the habits of the slender loris, Loris tardigradus (Linne). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 54: 387-398.
R.; Fitch, H., 1984: The slow loris. Zoo Nooz 57:
photos, Nycticebus
Tenaza, R.; Ross, B. A.; Tanticharoenyos, P.; Berkson, G., 1969: Individual behaviour and activity rhythms of captive slow lorises (Nycticebus coucang ). Anim. Behav. 17: 667-669.
Trent, B. K.; Tucker, M. E.; Lockhard, J. S., 1977: Activity changes with illumination in slow loris, Nycticebus coucang. Applied Animal Ethology 3: 281-286.
Van Horn, R. N.; Eaton, G. G., 1979: Reproductive physiology and behavior in prosimians. Pp. 79-122 in: Doyle, G. A.; Martin, R. D. (eds.): The Study of Prosimian Behavior. Academic Press, New York
Wiens, F., 1995: Verhaltensbeobachtungen am Plumplori, Nycticebus coucang (Primates: Lorisidae), im Freiland. Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Biologie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (unpublished) (German)
Wiens, F.; Zitzmann, A., 2003: Social dependence of infant slow lorises to learn diet. International Journal of Primatology 24 (5): 1007-1021.
Wiens, F.; Zitzmann, A., 2003: Social structure of the solitary slow loris Nycticebus coucang (Lorisidae). J. Zool. Lond. 261: 35-46.
Wilkerson, B. J.; Rumbaugh, D. M., 1979: Learning and intelligence in prosimians. Pp. 207-246 in: The Study of Prosimian Behavior, Doyle, G. A.; Martin, R. D. (eds.), Academic Press, New York.
Zimmermann, E., 1981: First record of ultrasound in two prosimian species. Naturwissenschaften 68: 531.
Zimmermann, E., 1985: Vocalizations and associated behaviours in adult slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). Folia primatol. 44: 52-64.
Zimmermann, E., 1989: Reproduction, physical growth and behavioral development in slow loris (Nycticebus coucang, Lorisidae). Human Evolution 4 (2-3): 171-179.
Zimmermann, E., 1995: Acoustic communication in nocturnal prosimians. Pp. 311-330 in: Alterman, L.; Doyle, G. A.; Izard, M. K. (eds.): Creatures of the Dark. The nocturnal prosimians. Plenum Press, New York.
Zimmermann, E., Zimmermann, P. and Zimmermann, A., 1979: Soziale Kommunikation bei Plumploris (Nycticebus coucang). Z. Kölner Zoo 22: 25-36. (German)
E., Zimmermann, P. and Zimmermann, A., 1980: Vergleich
einiger Kommunikationsformen fünf nonhumaner Primatenarten (Galago
senegalensis, Nycticebus coucang, Callithrix
jacchus, Saimiri sciureus, Miopithecus
talapoin). Z. Kölner Zoo 23: 2-20.
Loris and potto conservation database - behaviour. In http://www/loris-conservation.org/database/ | Last amendment: 4 September 2004 |