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References and literature review: loris and potto captive care
in the loris and potto husbandry database pages
Some captive care literature
Captive care
not loris-related)
Captive care:
for nocturnal prosimians
Some literature including information on behaviour and ecology:
N. pygmaeus
Slow lorises
(N. coucang, N. bengalensis, N. (c.)
Some Loris publications from or in
with the breeding program at Ruhr-University Bochum
References quoted in the loris and potto husbandry database pages:
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (ed.), 1996: Mindestanforderungen an die tierschutzgerechte Haltung von Säugetieren vom 10. Juni 1996 (German; Minimum demands for adequate care of mammals)
Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H. (eds.); Larson, L. C. (compiler), 2001: Management of lorises in captivity. A husbandry manual for Asian Lorisines (Nycticebus & Loris ssp.). Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species (CRES), Zoological Society of San Diego, Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551, USA.
Hoeschen, G., 1994 (unpublished): Substratpräferenzen und funktionsmorphologische Anpassungen der Hände und Füße bei dem Halbaffen Loris tardigradus. Diplomarbeit, Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Nieschalk, U., 1991: Fortbewegung und Funktionsmorphologie von Loris tardigradus und anderen kleinen quadrupeden Halbaffen in Anpassung an unterschiedliche Habitate. Dissertation, Fakultät für Biologie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Rasmussen, D. T., 1986: Life history and behavior of slow lorises and slender lorises: implications for the lorisine-galagine divergence. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Duke University.
Roonwal, M. L.; Mohnot, S. M., 1977: Primates of south Asia: ecology, sociobiology and behaviour. Harvard University press, Cambridge.
Ryley, K. V., 1913: Bombay Natural History´s Society´s mammal survey of India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. XXII, p. 283-295. (Pp. 285-287 and figure: Loris lydekkerianus, Cabr., The Mysore Slender Loris)
Schulze, H.,1998: Developing a husbandry manual to facilitate the distribution and presentation of information: with special reference to slender loris Loris tardigradus nordicus at Ruhr-University, Bochum. International Zoo Yearbook 36: 34-48.
Schulze, H.; Meier, B., 1995: Behavior of captive Loris tardigradus nordicus: a qualitative description, including some information about morphological bases of behavior. Pp. 221-249 in: Creatures of the Dark, Alterman, L.; Doyle, G.; Izard, M. K. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York.
Wiens, F., 1995: Verhaltensbeobachtungen am Plumplori, Nycticebus
coucang (Primates: Lorisidae), im Freiland. Diplomarbeit im
Biologie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Literature about cage size effects not yet included in the database:
Bearder, S. K.; Pitts, R. S., 1987: Prosimians and tree shrews. Pp. 551-567 in: The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals. Poole, T. B. (ed.), Longman, 6th edition.
Daschbach, N. J.; Schein, M. W.; Haines, D. E., 1983: Cage-size effects on locomotor, grooming and agonistic behaviours of the slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Primates, Lorisidae). Applied Animal Ethology 9: 317-330.
Nash, L. T.; Chilton, S. M., 1986: Space or novelty? Effects of altered cage size on galago behaviour. American J. Primatol. 10 (1): 37-49.
Poole, T. B., 1991: Criteria for the provision of captive
Pp. 357-374 in: Box, H. O. (ed.): Primate responses to
environmental changes,
Chapman and Hall, London.
Prosimians, Lorisidae: captive care
Bearder, S. K., 1987: Lorises, bushbabies and tarsiers: diverse societies in solitary foragers. Pp. 11-24 in: Primate Societies, Smuts, B. B.; Cheney, D. L.; Seyfarth, R. M.; Wrangham, R. W.; Struhsaker, T. T. (eds.), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Bearder, S. K.; Pitts, R. S., 1987: Prosimians and tree shrews. Pp. 551-567 in: The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals. Poole, T. B. (ed.), Longman, 6th edition.
Bertram, B., 1984: Lorisids in captivity. Proceedings Symp. Ass. Br. Wild Anim. Keepers 8: 35-38.
Crandall, L. S., 1964: Management of wild animals in
Univ. of Chicago Press. (Pp. 74-82: Family Lorisidae. Lorises,
and galagos).
Keywords: reproduction, longevity, food
Izard, M. K.; Pereira, M. E., 1994: Design of indoor housing for a breeding and research colony of prosimian primates. Pp. 111-125 in: Gibbons, E. F., Jr.; Wyers, E. J.; Waters, E.; Menzel, E. W., Jr. (eds.): Naturalistic environments in captivity for animal behavior research. State University of New York Press.
Osman Hill, W. C., 1953: Primates: Comparative anatomy and taxonomy. Vol. I, Strepsirhini. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Osman Hill, W. C., 1935: Breeding of lorisids in captivity. Nature 136: 107-108
Osman Hill, W. C., 1937: Treatment of the slender loris in captivity. Loris, June 1937: 85-88.
Rumpler, Y.; Warter, S.; Meier, B.; Preuschoft, H.; Dutrillaux, B., 1987: Chromosomal phylogeny of three Lorisidae: Loris tardigradus, Nycticebus coucang and Perodicticus potto. Folia Primatol. 48: 216-220.
Van Horn, R. N.; Eaton, G. G., 1979: Reproductive physiology and behavior in prosimians. Pp. 79-122 in: Doyle, G. A.; Martin, R. D. (eds.): The study of prosimian behavior. Academic Press, New York.
Welker, C.; Welker, A., 1989: The myth of sociality in breeding nocturnal prosimians. Hum. Evol. 4 (2-3): 195-198.
Wright, P. C.; Haring, M.; Izard, M. K.; Laverne Simons, E.,
1989: Psychological wellbeing of nocturnal primates in captivity.
Pp. 61-74
in: Segal, E. F. (ed.): Housing, care and psychological wellbeing
of captive
and laboratory primates. Noyes publications, New Jersey.
Lighting requirements for nocturnal prosimians:
Erkert, H. G., 1989: Lighting requirements of nocturnal primates in captivity: a chronobiological approach. Zoo Biol. 8 (2): 179-191.
Conway, K. M.; Shaw, L. J.; Micklesen, S.; Crouse, D. W., 1978: Activity rhythms of ten species of nocturnal animals as a function of light intensity. Pp. 101-140 in: Crockett, C.; Hutchins, M. (eds.): Applied behavioral research at the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens, Seattle, Washington 1977. Pika Press, Seattle.
Kavanau, J. L.; Peters, C. R., 1979: Illuminance preferences in nocturnal primates. Primates 20 (2): 245-282.
Kavanau, J. L.; Peters, C. R., 1976: Activity of nocturnal primates: influences of zeitgebers and wheather. Science 191: 83-86.
Nash, L. T., 1986: Influence of moonlight level on traveling and calling patterns in two sympatric species of Galago in Kenya. Pp. 357-367 in: Taub, D. M.; King, F. A. (eds.): Current perspectives in primate social dynamics. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.
Trent, B. K.; Tucker, M. E.; Lockhard, J. S., 1977:
changes with illumination in slow loris, Nycticebus coucang.
Animal Ethology 3: 281-286.
Charles-Dominique, P., 1966: Birth and development of Arctocebus calabarensis in captivity - naissance et croissance d'Arctocebus calabarensis en captivite. Biologica gabonica 2: 331-345
Charles-Dominique, P., 1971: Éco-éthologie des prosimiens du Gabon. Biol. Gabon 7: 121-228.
Charles-Dominique, P., 1976: Ecology and feeding of five sympatric lorisids in Gabon. Pp. 131-150 in: Prosimian Behaviour, Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.), Duckworth, London
Charles-Dominique, P., 1977: Ecology and Behavior of Nocturnal Primates. Prosimians of Equatorial West Africa, Duckworth, London.
Charles-Dominique, P.; Martin, R. D. (eds.), 1972: Behavior and ecology of nocturnal prosimians. Field studies in Gabon and Madagascar. Paul Parey, Berlin.
Osman Hill, W. C., 1947: The lorisoid genus Arctocebus: observations based on the type material. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. Sect. B, 62 pt.3 (30): 248-256.
Sanderson, I. T., 1940: The mammals of the north Cameroon
area. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 14:
Charles-Dominique, P., 1966: La durée de gestation chez Perodicticus potto edwardsi (A. Bouvier). Biol. Gabon. 4: 1.
Charles-Dominique, P., 1966: Glandes préclitoridiennes de Perodicticus potto. Biol. Gabon. 2: 355-359
Charles-Dominique, P., 1971: Éco-éthologie des prosimiens du Gabon. Biol. Gabon 7: 121-228.
Charles-Dominique, P., 1976: Ecology and feeding of five sympatric lorisids in Gabon. Pp. 131-150 in: Prosimian Behaviour, Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.), Duckworth, London
Charles-Dominique, P., 1977: Ecology and Behavior of Nocturnal Primates. Prosimians of Equatorial West Africa, Duckworth, London.
Charles-Dominique, P.; Martin, R. D. (eds.), 1972: Behavior and ecology of nocturnal prosimians. Field studies in Gabon and Madagascar. Paul Parey, Berlin.
Cowgill, U. M., 1976: Co-operative behaviour in Perodicticus. Pp. 261-272 in: Prosimian Behaviour, Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.),. Duckworth, London.
Cowgill, U. M., 1968: An apparent example of displacement
in the prosimian Perodicticus potto. Folia primatol. 8:
Keywords: substrate use; copulation, nutritional
Cowgill, U. M, 1969: Some observations on the prosimian Perodicticus
potto. Folia Primatol. 11: 144-150.
Keywords: substrate use; copulation
Cowgill, U. M.; States, S. J., 1981: Lactose intolerance
in Perodicticus:
a case-study. Laboratory Primate Newsletter 20 (3): 5-8.
Keywords: nutrition, infectious disease,
intestinal flora
Cowgill, U. M.; States, S. J., 1982: Lactose intolerance
in captive
nocturnal prosimians (Perodicticus potto): a twenty-one
year record.
Primates 23 (4): 598-604.
Keywords: nutrition, infectious disease,
intestinal flora
Cowgill, U. M.; States, S. J.; States, S. K., 1989: A twenty-five-year chronicle of a group of captive nocturnal prosimians (Perodicticus potto). Mammal rev. 9 (2): 83-89.
Cowgill, U. M.; Zeman, L. B., 1979: Longevity of a colony of Perodicticus potto ibeanus. Laboratory Primate Newsl. 18 (2): 1-2.
Cowgill, U. M.; Zeman, L. B., 1980: Life span in captive nocturnal prosimians (Perodicticus potto) with reproductive and mortality records. Primates 21 (3): 437-439.
Cransdale, G. S., 1947: Bosman´s potto or the short-tailed lemur. Zoo life 2: 41-43.
Hans-Ulrich Hoffmann, H. U., 1993: Eine Monographie zu den Pottos Perodicticus potto mit ergänzenden Angaben zu den verwandten Arten (German).
Hoffmann, H.-U.; Jung. A.; Wiencke, H.; Bickelmann, M.; Nitsche, G.; Dillenburger, V.; Schulze, H., 1993: Pottos, ein Leben im Zeitlupentempo. Pp. 3-10 in: Arbeitsplatz Zoo Extra: Primaten, September 1993 (German; edited by the German Zoo Keeper Associatiation, W. Schmiedeberg, ed.)
Pattyn, S. R.; Piot, P.; Asman, M.; De Meurichy, W.; Ghysels, G., 1978: Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica 0:3 Salmonella antwerpen n. sp. (1, 421, 422:C:E, N, Z15, Z17) from Perodicticus potto (Müller). Acta Zol. Path. Antverp. 73: 213-214.
Sanderson, I. T., 1940: The mammals of the north Cameroon
area. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 14:
Goonan, P. M., 1993: Behaviour and reproduction of the slender loris (Loris tardigradus) in captivity. Folia Primatol. 60: 146-157.
Izard, M. K.; Rasmussen, D. T., 1985: Reproduction in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus malabaricus). American Journal of Primatology 8: 153-165.
Nieschalk, U.; Meier, B., 1984: Haltung und Zucht von Schlankloris (Loris tardigradus nordicus). Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 27: 95-100
Müller, E. F.; Nieschalk, U.; Meier, B., 1984: Thermoregulation in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus). Int. J. Primatol. Soc., July 1984, Nairobi, Kenya
Müller, E. F.; Nieschalk, U.; Meier, B., 1985: Thermoregulation in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus). Folia primatologica 44: 216-226
Meier, B.; Preuschoft, H., 1985: Mutter-Kind-Verhalten bei Loris tardigradus nordicus HILL, Prosimiae. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 78: 341
Meier, B., 1986: Genetic problems of breeding endangered species in captivity, Loris tardigradus (Primates) as a model. Abstr. XIth Congress of the Internat. Primatol. Soc., July 1986
Rumpler, Y.; Warter, S.; Meier, B.; Preuschoft, H.; Dutrillaux, B., 1987: Chromosomal phylogeny of three lorisidae: Loris tardigradus, Nycticebus coucang and Perodicticus potto. Folia Primatol. 48: 216-220.
Schulze, H., 1993: Stress bei Schlankloris in Gefangenschaft. Pp. 11-22 in: Arbeitsplatz Zoo Extra: Primaten, W. Schmiedeberg (ed.), Zoo Köln.
Schulze, H.; Meier, B., 1995: Behavior of captive Loris tardigradus nordicus: a qualitative description, including some information about morphological bases of behavior. Pp. 221-249 in: Creatures of the Dark, Alterman, L.; Doyle, G.; Izard, M. K. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York.
Schulze, H.; Meier, B., 1995: The subspecies of Loris tardigradus and their conservation status: a review. Pp. 193-209 in: Creatures of the Dark, Alterman, L.; Doyle, G.; Izard, M. K. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York.
Hoeschen, G., Preuschoft, H., Schulze, H., 1995: Substratpräferenzen bei Schlankloris (Loris tardigradus, Halbaffen) in Gefangenschaft. Der Zoologische Garten N. F. 65 (4): 258-266. (German)
Schulze, H.,1998: Developing a husbandry manual to facilitate the distribution and presentation of information: with special reference to slender loris Loris tardigradus nordicus at Ruhr-University, Bochum. International Zoo Yearbook 36: 34-48.
H.; Benirschke, K.; Doyle, G. A.; Johann, A.; Meier, B.; Wirth,
R.; Zimmermann,
E., 1998: A "check list" of possible items for prosimian
manuals and research. Folia Primatologica 69 (Suppl. 1):
(Folia Primatologica 69, Suppl. 1, = Proceedings of the
conference on the biology and conservation of prosimians, Chester,
November 1995).
Actualized copy available from the author.
Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larson, L. et al., 2001: Management of Lorises in captivity. A husbandry manual for Asian Loridae (Nycticebus & Loris spp.). Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551.
Petter, J. J.; Hladik, C. M., 1970: Observations sur le domaine vital et la densité de population de Loris tardigradus dans les forêts de Ceylan. Mammalia 34 (3): 394-409.
Still, J., 1978: The loris in captivity. Loris 14
Groves, C. P., 1971: Systematics of the Genus Nycticebus. Pp. 44 - 53 in: Proc. 3rd int. Congr. Primat., Zürich 1970, vol. 1.
Groves, C. P., 1977: Taxonomy and phylogeny of prosimians. Pp. 451-473 in: Martin, R. D.; Doyle, G. A.; Walker, A. C. (eds.): Prosimian anatomy, biochemistry and evolution.Duckworth, London
Groves, C. P., 1993: Order Primates. Pp. 243-277 in: Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.): Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference, 2nd edition. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C.
Groves, C. P., 1998: Systematics of tarsiers and lorises. Primates 39 (1): 13-27..
Rumpler, Y.; Warter, S.; Meier, B.; Preuschoft, H.; Dutrillaux, B., 1987: Chromosomal phylogeny of three Lorisidae: Loris tardigradus, Nycticebus coucang and Perodicticus potto. Folia Primatol. 48: 216-220.
Shen, Z.-p. et al., 1993: Studies on the chromosomes of genus Nycticebus. (including N. intermedius).
Zhang, Y.-p. et al., 1993: Phylogeny of the slow lorises
an approach using mitochondrial DNA restriction enzyme analysis.
Nycticebus pygmaeus and possibly not yet accepted lesser slow loris species:
Meshik, V.A.; Gruzinskaya, B., 1993: Behavioral adaptation during pair formation in two species of prosimians. Primate Report 37: 57-67.
Feng, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, Ch., 1992: Mother-infant-interactions in captive middle slow loris (Nycticebus intermedius). Acta Theriologica Sinica 12 (3): 167-174. (Chinese; English abstract)
Feng, Q., Wang, Y.-X.. Li, C., 1993: A preliminary report on the middle slow loris, Nycticebus intermedius. Abstract, conference: Creatures of the Dark, Duke University, Durham, N.C., June 9-12, 1993.
Feng, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, Ch., 1993: Reproduction of slow
(Nycticebus intermedius) in captivity. Zoological Research
(1): 21-26 (Chinese; English abstract).
Slow lorises (N. coucang, N. bengalensis, N. (c.) javanicus)
Clark, M., 1990: The slow loris Nycticebus coucang in U.K. zoos. P. 8 in: Stevenson, M.; Kennedy, J. (eds.): Co-ordinated breeding of captive primates: reports from a meeting held in Edinburgh Zoo, April 1990: under the auspices of the Joint Management of Species Group and the Primate Society of Great Britain. Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Choudhury, A. U., 1992: The slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) in north-east India. Primate Rep. 34: 77-83.
Daschbach, N. J.; Schein, M. W.; Haines, D. E., 1983: Cage-size effects on locomotor, grooming and agonistic behaviours of the slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Primates, Lorisidae). Applied Animal Ethology 9 (3-4): 317-330.
Ehrlich, A., 1968: Food-motivated behavior in prosimians.
primatol. 8: 66-71.
Keyword: learning
Ehrlich, A., 1968: Activity levels in prosimians. Folia Primat. 8: 72-76.
Ehrlich, A., 1969: Behavioral characteristics of the slow
galago and rhesus monkey. Proc. 2nd int. Congr. Primatol.,
Atlanta, GA1968,
vol. 1, pp. 119-127. Karger, Basel.
Keyword: learning
Ehrlich, A., 1974: Infant development in two prosimian
greater galago and slow loris. Developmental Psychobiology 7
Keyword: reproduction
Ehrlich, A.; Macbride, L., 1989: Mother-infant
interactions in
captive slow lorises (Nycticebus coucang). Am. J.
Keyword: reproduction
Ehrlich, A.; Musicant, A., 1976: Visual discrimination learning and memory in nocturnal prosimians. Animal learning and behavior 4 (4): 431-435.
Ehrlich, A.; Musicant, A., 1977: Social and individual behaviors in captive slow lorises. Behaviour 60: 195-220.
Fitch-Snyder, H., 1989: Behavioural and reproductive studies of the slow loris. Zoonoz 62 (2): 16-17.
Glassman, D. M.; Wells, J. P., 1984: Positional and activity behaviour in a captive slow loris: a quantitative assessment. American J. Primatol. 7 (2): 121-132.
Haque, M. N.; Siddiqui, N. A., 1988: Status of slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) in Bangladesh with some information on its food preferences. Tigerpaper (Bangk.) 15 (2): 18-21.
Izard, M. K.; Weisenseel, K. A.; Ange, R. L., 1988: Reproduction in the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). Am. J. Primatol. 16 (4): 331-339.
Khan, M. A. R., 1981: Note on a slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) in captivity. Bangladesh J. Zool. 9 (1): 77-79.
Müller, E. F., 1975: Temperature regulation in the slow loris. Naturwissenschaften 62: 140-141
Oswald, M.; Kuyk, K., 1978: The bahaviour of three lorisoid primate species before and after the public opening of the nocturnal house. Pp. 81-100 in: Crockett, C.; Hutchins, M. (eds.): Applied behavioral research at the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens, Seattle, Washington 1977. Pika Press, Seattle.
Tenaza, R.; Fitch, H., 1984: The slow loris. Zoonoz 57 (4): 10-12.
Tenaza,R.; Ross, B. A.; Tanticharoenyos, P.; Berkson, G., 1969: Individual behaviour and activity rhythms of captive slow lorises (Nycticebus coucang). Anim. Behav. 17: 667-669.
Vidyaran, M. K., 1981: Management of the Universiti Pertanian Primate Unit. Malaysian Appl. Biol. 10 (2): 89-98.
Vidyadaran, M. K.; Mutalib, A. R.; Vellayan, S., 1984: The husbandry of captive Malaysian nonhuman primates. Pp. 563-572 in: Roonwal, M. L.; Mohnot, S. M.; Rathore, N. S. (eds.): Current primate research. University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur.
Whittow, G. C.; Scammell, C. A.; Manuel, J. K.; Rand, D.; Leong, M., 1977: Temperature regulation in a hypometabolic primate, the slow loris. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. 85: 139-151.
Zimmermann, E., 1985: Vocalizations and associated behaviours in adult slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). Folia primatol.44: 52-64.
Zimmermann, E., 1989: Reproduction, physical growth and behavioral development in slow loris (Nycticebus coucang, Lorisidae). Human Evolution 4 (2-3): 171-179.
Zimmermann, E.; Cepok, S.; Rakotoarison, N.; Zietemann, V.; Radespiel, U., 1998: Sympatric mouse lemurs in north-west Madagascar: a new rufous mouse lemur species (Microcebus ravelobensis). Folia primatol.69: 106-114.
Zimmermann, E., Zimmermann, P. and Zimmermann, A., 1979: Soziale Kommunikation bei Plumploris (Nycticebus coucang). Z. Kölner Zoo 22: 25-36. (German)
Zimmermann, E., Zimmermann, P. and Zimmermann, A., 19??:
einiger Kommunikationsformen fünf nonhumaner Primatenarten (Galago
senegalensis, Nycticebus coucang, Callithrix
sciureus, Miopithecus talapoin). Z. Kölner Zoo
2-20. (German)