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in the Husbandry Manual for
Lorisines (Nycticebus & Loris ssp.)
N. coucang distribution map (Figure 9) |
N. pygmaeus distribution map (Figure 10) |
Loris distribution maps (Figure 11) |
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Husbandry Manual
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Husbandry Manual
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Husbandry Manual
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References for the distribution map for N. coucang (Figure 9):
Based on data and maps by: Hill 1953, Groves 1971, Barrett 1981, Choudhury 1992, Fooden 1976, Ji, Peng 1990, Mani 1974, Mukherjee 1982, Nisbett, Ciochon 1993, Nor 1996, Fooden 1996, F. Wiens and A. Zitzmann, pers. comm. Possible occurrence in the Philippines: see Fooden, 1991.
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Hill, W. C. O., 1953. Primates: Comparative anatomy and taxonomy. Vol. I, Strepsirhini. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Jenkins, P. D., 1987. Catalogue of Primates in the British Museum (Natural history) Part IV: Suborder Strepsirrhini. British Museum (Natural history), London
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Mani, M. S. (ed.), 1974. Ecology and biogeography in India. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Le Hague.
Map based on the following sources:
Bartholomew, 1979, Chiao-min Hsieh, 1973; Nelles map: South China.
Sources of specimen localities
N. pygmaeus / N. intermedius: Osman Hill, 1953; Groves, 1971; Ji, Peng 1990; Nisbet and Ciochon, 1993; Fooden, 1996; R. Lippe (pers. comm.). N. pygmaeus / N. intermedius, identification of localities as trade origin: R. Ratajszak; R. Lippe (pers. comm)
Bartholomew, J. C. (ed.), 1979. The Times concise atlas of the world. Times books, London.
Byrne, R. (ed.), 1997. New slow loris? IPS Bulletin 24 (2): 5. International Primatological Society. (Quoting Alterman, Freed 1997)
Chiao-min Hsieh, 1973. Atlas of China. Mc Graw-Hill, Los Angeles.
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Fooden, J., 1996. Zoogeography of Vietnamese primates. International Journal of Primatology 17 (5): 845-899.
Husbandry Manual
Groves, C. P., 1971. Systematics of the Genus Nycticebus. In: Proc. 3rd int. Congr. Primat., Zürich 1970, Vol. 1 pp. 44 - 53
Hill, W. C. O., 1953. Primates: Comparative anatomy and taxonomy. Vol. I, Strepsirhini. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Jenkins, P. D., 1987. Catalogue of Primates in the British Museum (Natural history) Part IV: Suborder Strepsirrhini. British Museum (Natural history), London.
Ji, W. and Peng, Y., 1990. Primatology study in China. Primate Report 26: 3-11.
Lippe, R., pers. comm.
Nelles map: Southern China, 1: 1.500 000. Nelles Verlag, München, undated, revised continuously, for sale in 1998. ISBN: 3-88618-675-x.
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Ratajszak, R., pers. comm.
References for the Loris distribution maps (Figures 11 & 12):
Figure 11 - Based on distribution areas described by Hill (1933, 1953), on the origin of museum specimens collected between 1889 and 1929 (Jenkins, 1987); on specimen localities mentioned by other authors (see references for Loris distribution maps); and information by K. A. Nekaris (pers. comm.). Some of Osman Hill´s information about Loris distribution is apparently guesswork, based on habitat quality and distribution of sympatric simian primate species
Figure 12 - Redrawn (changed) from Osman Hill (1953); corrected with regard to specimen localities, altitude and vegetation (see Schulze and Meier, 1995). Includes information from: Osman Hill (1933, 1953); Fiedler (1956); Jenkins (1987); specimen localities mentioned by other authors (see references for Loris distribution maps); S. Verner-Carlsson (pers. comm.); an unsystematic search by Meier and Nieschalk; and information by the chief game warden of Yala National Park (Schulze, Meier 1995).
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Husbandry Manual
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Schulze, H. and Meier, B., 1995. The subspecies of Loris tardigradus and their conservation status: a review. In: Creatures of the Dark, Alterman, L.; Doyle, G.; Izard, M. K. eds., pp. 193-209. Plenum Press, New York.
Seth, P. K., 1963. Preliminary observations on slender lorises. Anthropologist 7: 45-51.
Shortridge, quoted by Osman Hill, 1933.
Shortridge and Elliott, 1913. quoted by Osman Hill, 1933.
Swayamprabha, M. S. and Kadam, K. M., 1980. Mother-infant-relationship in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus). Primates 21 (4): 561-566.
Verner-Carlsson, S., pers. comm.
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Vol. XXV,
p. 563.
of Lorises in Captivity. A Husbandry Manual for
Asian Lorisines (Nycticebus
& Loris ssp.)
Edited by: Helena Fitch-Snyder and Helga Schulze. Compiler: Lena C. Larsen |
amendment: 2 January 2003