Chapter Index

Disease database for lorises and pottos: references in alphabetical order

Alterman, L.; Hale, M. E., 1991: Comparison of toxins from brachial gland exudates from Nycticebus coucang and N. pygmaeus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Sup. 12: 43.

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Bennett, B. T.; Cuasay, L.; Welsh, T. J.; Beluhan, F. Z.; Schofield, L., 1980: Acute gastric dilatation in monkeys, a microbiologic study of gastric contents, blood and feed. Laboratory Animal Science 30 (2, Part 1): 241-244.

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Boettcher-Law, L.: Habitat design. In: Fitch-Snyder, H.;Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larsson, L. C. et al. (preliminary edition published in 1999, update in press): Management of Lorises in captivity. A husbandry manual for Asian Loridae (Nycticebus & Loris spp.). Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551.

Carey, D. E.; Carey, E. E., 1967: Calcium deprivation and osteomalacia in a slender loris, Loris tardigradus (Linnaeus). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 63: 428-429

Chang, J.; Wagner, J. L.; Kornegay, R. W., 1980: Fatal Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in captive bushbabies. JAVMA 177 (9): 820-821.

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Cowgill, U. M., 1977: A myeloliposarcoma in a female Perodicticus potto: mineralogical and elemental chemical analysis. Journal of Medical Primatology 6 (2): 114-118.

David, R., 1974: RO 5-2807 BIO (Valium) as a tranquilizer in zoo animals. International Zoo Yearbook 14: 270-273.

Dieterle, P., 1976: Diät bei Zuckerkrankheit. K. Thienemanns Verlag, Stuttgart.

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Dzhikidze, Z. K.; Shaginyan, S. A.; Pospelova, V. V.; Rakhimova, N. G.; Khaleneva, M. P.; Shreder, G., 1986: The use of monkeys as models for evaluating the efficacy of microbial biopreparations in diseases associated with dysbacteriosis. Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk USSR, 0 (3): 74-77. (Language: Russian)

Eggert, R., 1960: Zur Frage des traumatischen Diabetes und seiner Begutachtung. Dissertation, Medizinische Akademie Düsseldorf.

Ein Ozean von Hormonen. Der Spiegel 20, 1994: 224-226.

Eisentraut, M., 1961: Beobachtungen über den Wärmehaushalt bei Halbaffen. Biol. Zbl. 80: 319-325. (Language: German)

Elze, K.; Eulenberger, K., 1986: : Grundlagen der Hygiene und Krankheiten. Pp. 250-324 in: Berger, G.; Bürger, M.; Elze, K.; Eulenberger, K.; Fischer, W.; Gensch, W.; Krische, G.; Müller, P.; Petzold, H.-G.; Witstruk, K.-H.: Zootierhaltung. Bd. 1: Grundlagen. Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun. (German)

Erwin, J.; Deni, R., 1979: Strangers in a strange land: abnormal behaviors or abnormal environments? Pp. 1-28 in: Captivity and Behavior, Erwin, J.; Maple, T. L.; Mitchell, G. (eds.), Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

España, C., 1971: Review of some outbreaks of viral disease in captive nonhuman primates. Laboratory animal science 21 (6): 1023-1031.

Fitch-Snyder, H.;Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larsson, L. C. et al., 2001: Management of Lorises in captivity. A husbandry manual for Asian Loridae (Nycticebus & Loris spp.). Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551.

Flügger, M.; Pfeiffer, J., 1992: Eine kommentierte Bibliographie zu den Krankheiten der Lemuren. Pp. 273-290 in: Lemuren im Zoo, Ceska, V.; Hoffmann, H.-U.; Winkelsträter, K.-H. (eds.), Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.

Gass, H., 1987: Affen. Pp. 1-43 in: Krankheiten der Wildtiere, Gabrisch, K.; Zwart, P. (eds.), Schlütersche , Hannover.

Glandt, D.; Münch, S. (eds.): Internationaler Artenschutz in Deutschland - Unterbringung und Vermittlung beschlagnamter Tiere [International species conservation in Germany - housing and
mediation of confiscated animals]. Results of a symposium, 11-13 June 1996 in the Biological Institute Metelen e. V., Metelen, Germany. Edited by Biological Institute Metelen e. V., ISSN:
0936-7357.  (German)

Goonan, pers. comm.

Grabow, W. O. K.; Prozesky, O. W., 1975: Lesser bushbabies (Galago senegalensis) may be susceptible to the CR 326 hepatitis A virus. South African Journal of Science 71: 310-311.

Gupta, N. K.; Dutt, K., 1975: On 3 nematode parasites of the genus Subulura from India. Rivista di parassitologia 36 (2-3): 185-188.

Information (pers. comm.) from private loris keepers.

Kingdon, J., 1997: The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press, London.

Kohn, D. F.; Haines, D. E., 1977: Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in the lesser bushbaby (Galago senegalensis). Laboratory animal science 27 (2): 279-280.

Krische, G., 1986: Futtermittelkunde (Information about food items). Pp. 174-225 in: Berger, G.; Bürger, M.; Elze, K.; Eulenberger, K.; Fischer, W.; Gensch, W.; Krische, G.; Müller, P.; Petzold, H.-G.; Witstruk, K.-H.: Zootierhaltung. Bd. 1: Grundlagen. Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun (German).

Krishnamoorthy, R. V.; Srihari, K.; Rahaman, H.; Rajasekharaiah, G. L., 1978: Nematode parasites of the slender loris Loris tardigradus. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Section B, 87 (3): 17-22.

Kurstak, E.; Kurstak, C. (eds.), 1977: Comparative diagnosis of viral diseases, Vol. II: human and related viruses. Academic Press, New York.

Liz´ko, N. N., 1989: New experimental models in microbial ecology. Antibiotiki i Khimiotherapiya 34 (6): 443-448. (Language: Russian)

Löhrmann, B., 1998: Tierärztliche Versorgung beschlagnamter Tiere im Biologischen Institut Metelen [Veterinary care for confiscated animals at the Biological Institute Metelen]. Pp. 111-114 in: Glandt, D.; Münch, S. (eds.): Internationaler Artenschutz in Deutschland - Unterbringung und Vermittlung beschlagnamter Tiere [International species conservation in Germany - housing and
mediation of confiscated animals]. Results of a symposium, 11-13 June 1996 in the Biological Institute Metelen e. V., Metelen, Germany. Edited by Biological Institute Metelen e. V., ISSN:
0936-7357.  (German)

Mair, N. S.; Path, F. C.; White, G. D.; Schubert, F. K.; Harbourne, J. F., 1970: Yersinia enterocolitica infection in the bushbaby (Galago). Veterinary Record 86: 69-71.

Mani, M. S., 1974: Ecology and biogeography in India. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague.

Manley, G. H., 1966: Prosimians as laboratory animals. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 17: 11-39

Mehlhorn, H.; Düwel, D.; Raether, W., 1993: Diagnose und Therapie der Parasitosen von Haus-, Nutz- und Heimtieren. 2. Aufl., Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart.

Mehlhorn, H.; Peters, W., 1983: Diagnose der Parasiten des Menschen. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart (German).

Mitchell, G., 1970: Abnormal behavior in primates. Pp. 195-249 in: Primate behavior, Developments in Field and Laboratory Research, Vol. 1, Rosenblum, L. A. (ed.), Academic Press, New York.

Miyake, S.; Ikeda, A.; Ohta, S.; Matsumoto, S., 1991: Three-dimensional analysis of the peculiar arterial patterns of the extremities in Lorisidae: the rete mirabile. Pp. 569-570 in: Primatology today, A. Ehara (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers, B. V., Amsterdam.

Montagna, W. and Ellis, R. A., 1960: The skin of primates II: the skin of the slender loris. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 18: 19-43

Müller, E. F.; Nieschalk, U.; Meier, B., 1985: Thermoregulation in the slender loris (Loris tardigradus). Folia primatologica 44: 216-226

Müller, E. F., 1975: Temperature regulation in the slow loris. Naturwissenschaften 62: 140-141.

Muthusamy, R.; Krishnamurti, A.; Anguli, V. C., 1980: Hemogram of slender loris (Loris tardigradus): a preliminary communication. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, Allahabad.

Nicoll, W., 1927 (quoted in 17 = Fernando 1933): A reference list of trematode parasites of man and the primates. Parasitology Vol. 19.

Osman Hill, W. C., 1937: Treatment of the slender loris in captivity. Loris, June 1937: 85-88.

Osman Hill, W. C., 1953: Primates: Comparative anatomy and taxonomy. Vol. I, Strepsirhini. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Palotay, J. L.; Uno, H., 1975: Hydatid disease in four nonhuman primates. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assciation 167 (7): 615-618.

Peirce, M. A., 1975: Ectoparasites from East African vertebrates. East African Wildlife Journal 13 (2): 153-156.

Perret, M., 1982: Stress-effects in Microcebus murinus. Folia primatologica 39: 63-114.

Peters, J. C., 1966: An epizootic of monkeypox at Rotterdam zoo. Int. Zoo Yearb. 6: 274-275.

Pferdetransport - Bei klarem Verstand.. 1997, no author mentioned. Cavallo, April 1997: 45. (Language: German)

Plesker, R., Paul-Ehrlich Institut, Germany, pers. comm.

Plesker, R.; Schulze, H., 1998: Poycystic nephropathy in slender lorises (Loris tardigradus). In preparation.

Plesker, R.; Schulze, H., in preparation: Necropsy findings in slender lorises (Loris tardigradus).

Poelma, F. G.; Borst, G. H. A.; Zwart, P., 1977: Yersinia enterocolitica infections in nonhuman primates. Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia 69: 3-9.

Pollock, J. I., 1986: The management of prosimians in captivity for conservation and research. Pp. 269-288 in: Benirschke, K. (ed.): Primates. The road to self-sustaining populations. Springer, New York

Poole, T. B., 1988: Normal and abnormal behaviour in captive primates. Primate Report 22: 3-12.

Post mortem reports from cooperating institutions (Loris tardigradus)

Prof. Krüger, Tierärztliche Hochschule (veterinary academy) Leipzig, Germany, pers. comm.

Pschyrembel, 1995: Klinisches Wörterbuch. 257. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.

Quentin, J. C.; Krishnasamy, M., 1975: Nematodes of the genus Spirura: parasites of Tupaia and Nycticebus in Malaysia. Annales de Parasitologie humaine et comparée 50 (6): 795-812.

Quentin, J. C.; Krishnasami, M., 1979: Morphology of the ricularid Pterygodermatites nycticebi, Nematoda, Riculariidae, of the slow loris. Annales de Parasitologie humaine et comparée 54 (5): 527-532.

Recommendations from a discussion about loss of hair and dry skin in primates, via Alloprimate mailing list, 2001. Contributors (full names partly not known): Lisa, Linda (Mindys Memory primate Sanctuary), Jen Feuerstein, Debby, Barbara Healy (Annabelle's Home Primate Sanctuary).

Ruth, I., (2000): First aid for wildlife. Basic care for birds and mammals. Second edition. Bick publishing House, Madison, CT.   ISBN: 1-884-158148

Ryder, R. D., 1978: Postscript: towards humane methods of identification. Pp. 229-234 in: Stonehouse, B. (ed.): Animal marking: recognition marking of animals in research. University Park Press, Baltimore. 224 pp.

Spelman, L. H.; Osborn, K. G.; Anderson, M. P., 1989: Pathogenesis of hemosiderosis in lemurs: role of dietary iron, tannin and ascorbic acid. Zoo Biology 8: 239-251.

Spona, J.; Spona, I., 2000: VITALOGIC website about amino acids, Vienna Medical School, Vienna University, Austria. http://www.vitalogic.net/fachaminos.htm. Seen 05 Feb. 02.
Steffens, I., 1936: Zur Kenntnis der Diabetes durch Trauma. Dissertation, Universität Würzburg.

Stetter, M. D.; Worley, M. B.; Ruiz, B., 1995: Herpesvirus-associated malignant lymphoma in a slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). J. Zoo Anim. Med. 26 (1): 155-160.

Still, J., 1905: Notes: On the loris in captivity. Spolia Zeylanica 3: 155-157

Stöhr, W., 1988: Longterm heartrate telemetry in small mammals: a comprehensive approach as a prerequisite for valid results. Physiology and Behaviour 43: 567-576.

Strassmann, W., undated: Vipera berus berus - 0.1. Kreuzotter. [Page about adders / common vipers]. http://www.reptiles.de/Vipera%20berus%20berus.htm. In: Reptilica shop. Seen 28 February 2004. (German)

Streicher, U., 2000-2004: unpublished data from work as a veterinarian at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, Vietnam, including data from:
      Streicher, U., thesis in preparation.

Suckling, J. A.; Suckling, E. E.; Walker, A., 1969: Suggested function of the vascular bundles in the limbs of Perodicticus potto. Nature 221: 379-380.

Sutherland-Smith, M.; Stalis, I., 2001: Review of loris clinical information and pathology data from the San Diego Zoo: 1982 - 1995. In: Fitch-Snyder, H.;Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larsson, L. C. et al.: Management of Lorises in captivity. A husbandry manual for Asian Loridae (Nycticebus & Loris spp.). Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551.

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Truong quang Tam, 2001 ff, pers. comm. Institute for Tropical Biology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Unpublished data from the breeding colony at Ruhr-University, 1980-2001, including data by H. Schulze, B. Meier and post mortem reports from animals from this colony by Dr. Plesker,

Unpublished observations of cooperating breeders

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