
Loris and potto conservation database

Transport of lorises and pottos

Lorisids are generally very susceptible to problems caused by psychic stress, and particularly by major changes of their environment. Transfer to places unfamiliar to them means longer-lasting severe distress and can lead to high mortality with bleeding gastric ulcera, fatty liver and liver necroses, circulatory trouble and death after increasing weakness. See also our page about stress problems in lorises. It seems necessary to prepare a transport of these fragile animals in a way that transport stress is minimized, and subsequent good protection from disturbance after transport for some time is important. Dark transport crates with some cover such as artificial plants inside are recommended. If possible, it will be good to get the animals used to a transport crate before shipping.
Since stress in lorises may occasionally lead to aggressive behaviour, shipping of several anmals in one crate may be a risk. For possibilities to ship animals with olfactory and visual contact (which may be reassuring in animals usually housed together), but without risk of fighting, see information about loris transport cages used at Ruhr University Bochum, pdf for printing (341 kb).

Some links and references concerning animal transport methods

Wildlife Conservation Society: Animal Health Matters - Web Resources. (Links to websites about animal welfare issues related to confinement and translocation, alien species and reintroduction problems). http://wcs-old.atlasworks.com/home/science/wildlifehealthscience/fvp/34387/34438/animalhealthmatters/34614. Seen 12 March 2005

Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Resources, Inventory Branch for the Terrestrial Ecosystems Task Force, Resources Inventory Committee, 1998: Live Animal Capture and Handling Guidelines for Wild Mammals, Birds, Amphibians & Reptiles - version 2.0 (Standards for components of British Columbia’s biodiversity no. 3). Online edition:  http://srmwww.gov.bc.ca/risc/pubs/tebiodiv/capt/assets/capt.pdf. Seen 30 December 2004.

McKenzie, A. A. (ed.), 1993: The Capture and Care Manual. (Information for catching, handling and transportation of wild African mammals, including primates, with chapter on use of drugs). Wildlife Decision Support Services CC, Box 73528, Lynwood Ridge, 0040 South Africa. 0-620-17608-3.

Harris, T. C., 1996: AATA manual for the transportation of live animals by road.
Animal Transportation Association, AATA / Dewey edition no. 21. Paperback, 94 pp, ISBN: 0-952-98610-8.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and food: livestock tranport information. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/animalcare/transportation.html. Seen 12 March 2005.

Burton, R.: Animal Welfare Code of Practice No 1 - Companion Animal Transport Agencies. 12 January 2001 [reviewed 21 December 2004]. http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/5840. Seen 12 March 2005.

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Conservation database for lorises (Loris, Nycticebus) and pottos (Arctocebus, Perodicticus), prosimian primates
Last amendment: 12 March 2005

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