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First care for freshly obtained lorises and pottos; care for animals after transport to new locations and sick wild animals
Lorises in general are susceptible to dangerous to fatal stress problems caused by environmental changes. Particularly slender lorises 15 and Arctocebus10 apparently may die from stress. Housing of animals in a quiet and warm room with horizontal branches and some cover (artificial or genuine plants, boxes) in the upper part of the cage, avoiding any disturbance and noise and initial covering of cage fronts, for instance with blankets, are important. Small holes for observation in the cage cover do not cause problems because only larger visible stimuli promote distress. (See figure: signs of environmental stress and chapter about stress problems)
For first care, health checks and treatment of health problems in freshly obtained animals see also chapter: first aid for lorises and pottos
Quarantine recommendations
At San Diego Zoo, lorises go
the same quarantine procedures that all of primates. That
includes a thorough
physical exam and a 30 day quarantine that begins the day they
get a negative
result on their T.B. test (Fitch-Snyder, pers. comm.). Rabies
seems unlikely, but as a precaution ought to be considered
of infection of animals for sale on local markets by dogs or
cats?). Behavioural
changes typical for rabies during quarantain?
Slender loris husbandry information Preliminary draft; H. Schulze | Last amendment: 22 November 1999 |